Monday, April 6

After one failed running attempt this morning because of a drop of rain and some tremendous winds, I went at it again this afternoon, and am very glad I did. I started on the 5 mile route, not knowing if I would do 5 or more - maybe 6 or even 8. it took me 5 miles to get in a really good rhythm, but I finally did and so went for four more. I was movin on the last 4. A good rhythm sure does make a difference. 9 miles (maybe a bit less - not sure). 68 minutes. I am very encouraged. When I stopped today, I felt that if I had been running the race, I could have made myself go four more. I won't say its all mental, but it sure can make or break you.

1 comment:

Rebekah Sacran said...

Just keep on running. Right on over here.